About Wrightwood and Peter Mercado
Peter Mercado ends his musical hiatus with Wrightwood, a beautiful project that pays homage to legends like Elliot Smith and contemporaries Earlimart. The soft, low hum of Mercado's voice has a certain class to it that not all modern artists possess, and when laid over his lackadaisical -- not lazy -- music, it evokes pleasant calm in the listener
Peter Mercado: ' I have always said that music is what and how each listener chooses to feel and think when they listen to a song they preferer, like or love; ultimately, Its up to the fan to decide how that song speaks to them and what feelings it may invoke for them individually and dynamically. I do not want to make the songs themes and the music solely my own individual inspiration. I want every listener to take into their mind, what they want from my songs and make it theirs. That's the crux of Symbolic Interactionism at its finest...That's the point of Project Wrightwood.'
Here is what Peter Mercado had to say about his single from this self titled album Wrightwood years ago. It is named Valley: ' Valley is a song inspired by a combination of landscapes that are dear to me and of people who have passed from my life," Mercado told Diffuser.fm. "It came to me while traveling through these places, thinking of these people. But for me, the best meaning for 'Valley' is from the listener who takes what they want from 'Valley' and attach themselves in the way they like best.'